A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Index of Iowa Laws – N
Name Change
City | 368.2
National Guard, Reservist, see Military Service
Natural Gas Providers
Replacement delivery tax | 437A.4, .6, 476.6
Navigation, see Water Navigation
Employment & payments generally prohibited | ch 71
Generally | ch 618
Official publication requirements | 618.3
Publication fees | 618.11
Publication of public importance | 618.14
Nominations, see also Elections or Officers
By non party political organization (caucus or slate) | ch 44
By petition ch 45; 376.3
Non-profit Corporations
Acts, original & new | ch 504
Notarial Acts
Generally | 9B
Stamp required | 9B.17
Assessment | 384.50, .60
Contact information for elected officials | 70A.40
Flood control | 364.9
General obligation bond | 384.25, .26
Railroad overpasses & underpasses | 364.8
Improvements | 384.40, .50
Levy of city tax, necessary to validate | 384.17
Generally | 362.3
City development matters | 368.15, .20, .21
City elections | 376.1
City finance matters | 384.16(3), .26, .40, .50, .60, .83
Home rule charter elections | 372.3, .9
Property disposal | 364.7
Zoning regulations & district boundaries | 414.4
Revenue bond | 384.83
Special election | 368.19; 372.9; 376.1
Street paving | 384.55
Zoo tax approval election | 394.4
Generally | ch 657
Abandoned & unsafe buildings | 657A
Animal feeding operations | 657.11
Debt collection | 364.22B
Enforcement | 364.12, .22; 483A.32, .33
Feedlots | ch 172D
Pending action prevents tax sale | 446.7, 364.22(4), 657A.12
Puppy mill regulation | ch 162
Streets, keeping free from | 364.12 (2)
Weeds | 364.12(3)(g)
Public health | ch 143