The Executive Board is the governing body of the Iowa League of Cities. The Executive Board is responsible for adopting policies to provide direction to the League, adopting the annual operating budget, establishing membership fees, and providing direction to the executive director consistent with the League constitution and bylaws.
The Executive Board is composed of 19 officials from member cities including a president, president-elect, immediate past president, two other past presidents, and 14 directors from various geographic regions and population classifications. The League constitution requires officers and a majority of the Executive Board to be elected officials. Traditionally, city managers, administrators and city clerks are also represented on the Executive Board.
For additional information, contact Alan Kemp, Executive Director, Iowa League of Cities.
The Iowa League of Cities bylaws require the Executive Board to meet a minimum of four times each fiscal year. Currently, the executive board meets every February, April, June, August, and November, in addition to the business meeting held during the Annual Conference.
Board Members
Meet our current Executive Board