A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Index of Iowa Laws – B

Banks, see also Deposit of City Funds or Investments
     Depositories for city funds | ch 12C
     Franchise tax | 422.60
     Prohibiting city ownership of bank stock | Const. VIII, 4
     Sinking funds for public deposits
     Banks, in | 12C.22
        Creation | 12C.25
        Credit union, in | 12C.23
        Liability | 12C.24   

Beer, see also Alcoholic Beverages
     Generally | ch 123, div. II
     Permits & licenses | 123.122.140

Benefited Districts
     Fire | ch 357B
     Water | ch 357

Bicycles, see also Traffic Regulation
     Abandoned | 556.11
     Bikeways | ch 308A
     City liability for claims | 670.4
     Generally, license, regulations by city | 321.234.236(10)
     Police | 321.231
     Vehicles to avoid bicycles on roadway | 321.281

Bids, see also Contracts
     Generally | ch 26
     Bid security | 26.8
     Bid threshold | 26.3
     Hearings | 26.12
     Opening & considering bids, awarding contracts | 26.9
     Preferences for Iowa contractors, products, & labor | ch 7373A.21
     Sealed bids | 26.3

Bikes, see Bicycles

Billboards, see also Signs
     Advertising prohibited | 306C.11
     Billboard control definitions | 306C.10
     Control by Department of Transportation | 306C.13
     Compensation | 306C.16.24
     Condemnation | 306C.16
     Permits | 306C.18
     Removal | 306C.19
     Political signs | 306C.22
     Special events | 306C.23

Bingo, see also Gambling 
     Generally | ch 99B

     Department for the Blind | ch 216B
     Food service operations in public buildings by blind persons | ch 216D
     Rights of blind, partially blind, & physically disabled persons | ch 216C

Boards & Commissions
     Generally | 362.2(1); ch 392
       Annual Report | 330.22
       Election | 330.17.18
       Powers | 330.21
       Restrictions | 330.23
     Gender balance | 69.16A 
     Hospital trustees | 392.6
     Library trustees | 392.5
     Other administrative agencies | 392.1.3.7
Planning  | 386.3(3).6(2)414.6
     Utility trustees | ch 388
     Zoning | ch 414

     City operating rules on lakes or rivers | 462A.17

Bonds, see also Debt
     Bid | 12.44384.103573.2.5
     City council exception | 64.1A(6) 
     Constitutional limits | Const. XI, 3
     General obligation | ch 384, div. III
     Interest, maximum | ch 74A
     Levy tax to pay | 76.2444.22
     Mayors | 64.13
     Performance | 573.2.3.4
     Public officers | ch 64
     Records | 372.13(5)
     Recovery Zone Bonds | 16.171
     Residential rental projects | 7C.4A
     Restrictions | 76.10
     Revenue | 384.82.83419.17
     Special assessment, redemption | 384.70
     Statute of limitations | 614.1(13)
     Surety bond requirements |

Books, see also Libraries
     Theft from libraries | 714.5808.12

Borrowing, see Bonds or Finance

Boundaries, see also Annexation & Severance or Development
     Adjustments | ch 368
     Record of | 9.2
     Township boundary adjustments | 359.3
     Zoning districts | ch 414

Bribery, see also Ethics
     Generally | ch 722 
     Accepting | 722.2
     Prohibited, disqualifies person from holding public office | 722.1

     Bonding for | ch 384, div. III
     City aid for interstate bridges | 313A.23
     City approval required before DOT takes bridge within city boundaries | 313.65
     County, aid by city to | 384.12(5)
     Gifts or purchases of interstate bridges | 313.59.65
     Private interstate, aid to | 384.12(6)-.12(7)
     Required inspections | 314.18
     Special election over tax for county bridge | 384.12
     Taxes for bridge contracts 384.12(8)

       Generally | 15.291
       Redevelopment advisory council | 15.294
       Redevelopment fund | 15.293
       Redevelopment program | 15.292
       Redevelopment tax credits | 15.293A15.293B 
       Rules | 15.295

Budgets, see also Capital Improvements or Finance
     Generally | 384.16.18
     Protest | 24.27.29;384.19
      Hearing | 24.28
     Review and Powers | 24.30
     Certification | 24.17
     Encumbrances | 24.34
     Fiscal year | 8.51384.2
     Hearing | 384.16(3)
     Limitations, appeal for suspension | 24.48
     Utilities, fiscal year exception | 384.2

Building Code, see also Housing
     City adoption of or withdrawal from state building code | 103A.12
     City housing codes | 364.17
     County code applicability | 331.304
     High rises, local authority over fire extinguishers | 100.39
     Local building code & state fire marshall | 100.35
     Out-of-state building contractors bond | 91C.7
     Safe rooms & storm shelters | 103A.8C
     Soil loss limits controlled by ordinance | ch 161A
     State building code, generally | ch 103A
     State historic building code | ch 103A, div. III

Building Permits
     State notification requirement | 306.19

Buildings, see Abandonment, Building Code, City Buildings, Housing or Zoning

Burial, see also Cemeteries
     Protection of burial sites, memorials | 523I.316 

Buses, see also Transit
     Franchise | 364.2
     Registration plates | 321.22
     Tax exemption | 321.19
     Transit aid | 384.12(9), .12(10)

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