Cities in Iowa
The list below reflects all incorporated cities in Iowa. You can sort all cities by name and population. You can reduce the list by population range and county.
City | Population | Website | Phone Number |
Ackley | 1,599 | www.ackleyiowa.net/ | (641) 847-3332 |
Ackworth | 115 | (515) 961-4410 | |
Adair | 791 | (641) 742-3751 | |
Adel | 6,153 | www.adeliowa.org | (515) 993-4525 |
Afton | 874 | www.aftoniowa.com | (641) 347-5224 |
Agency | 620 | (641) 937-5215 | |
Ainsworth | 511 | (319) 657-3761 | |
Akron | 1,558 | www.akronia.org | (712) 568-2041 |
Albert City | 677 | (712) 843-5613 | |
Albia | 3,721 | www.albia.com | (641) 932-2129 |
Albion | 448 | www.albioniowa.com | (641) 488-2244 |
Alburnett | 675 | www.alburnettia.com | (319) 842-2692 |
Alden | 763 | www.cityofalden.com | (515) 859-3344 |
Alexander | 164 | (641) 425-8074 | |
Algona | 5,487 | algonaiowa.gov | (515) 295-2411 |
Alleman | 423 | www.allemaniowa.org | (515) 685-3666 |
Allerton | 430 | (641) 873-4459 | |
Allison | 966 | www.cityofallison.com | (319) 267-2245 |
Alta Vista | 227 | (641) 364-2975 | |
Alta | 2,087 | www.altaiowa.org | (712) 200-2105 |
Alton | 1,248 | altoniowa.us | (712) 756-4314 |
Altoona | 19,565 | www.altoona-iowa.com | (515) 967-5136 |
Alvord | 206 | www.cityofalvordiowa.com | (712) 473-2102 |
Ames | 66,427 | www.cityofames.org | (515) 239-5105 |
Anamosa | 5,450 | www.anamosa-iowa.org | (319) 462-6055 |