NOTE: The League’s website will be down for maintenance on Friday, April 4. We will not be able to receive any form entries and all partial or fully entered forms will be lost (classifieds, registrations, contact us, advertising forms, etc.).

Please call the League office with questions (515) 244-7282.

State Funding Opportunities

State funding opportunities on broadband, community and economic development, housing, transportation, public facilities, water and storm sewer, and other infrastructure. 

Before applying for grants, ensure the following are up to date and are working:

  • Active registration
  • Know your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • Active account: some state grants require it

Click on the section below to find current grant opportunities:

Broadband | Community, Economic Development and Housing | Transportation | Public Facilities | Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer and Electrical Infrastructure | Public Safety | Other Opportunities


Rural BOOST  
Recognizing that rural challenges do not exist in a silo, this program helps a community utilize its unique assets and challenges its leaders to set realistic goals to advance their economic and business development vision. A community that participates in Rural BOOST is committed to the creation of innovative strategies that promote partnerships, community design, and a strong business economy. Experts will look holistically at the strengths and weaknesses of a community and partner in the development of solutions. Leveraging the expertise of Empower Rural Iowa task force members, IEDA staff, and Iowa Rural Development Council partners, each community will work with a team to mentor and develop next steps. Participants in Rural BOOST receive the following:

  • In-person meeting with the individualized Rural BOOST Team and local committee
  • Follow-up in person or virtual meetings as needed
  • Recommendations resource document from the Center for Rural Revitalization

Rural BOOST is administered by the Center for Rural Revitalization, a division of the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), in consultation with the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative Task Forces.

Deadline: February 28, 2025

Community, Economic Development and Housing

CDBG Community Facilities and Services
Approximately $1.5 million in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are available on an annual basis to cities and counties through the state of Iowa’s Community Facilities Fund. This annual competitive program offers grants to assist communities with a variety of projects including daycare facilities, senior centers, vocational workshops and other community services such as stormwater projects.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

CDBG Sustainable Community Demonstration
Sustainable Community Demonstration Project Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is available to local governments on a competitive basis. The Sustainable Community Demonstration Project category provides grants to communities for green infrastructure-based stormwater projects and for a variety of projects and activities demonstrating comprehensive innovative approaches to support community sustainability. To date, the program has funded a demonstration district geothermal project in a community downtown and a demonstration streetscape project that integrated green infrastructure best management practices for stormwater, combined with LED street lights and a building façade master plan.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

Emergency Community Catalyst Building Remediation
Through the Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program, the Iowa Economic Development Authority will provide grants to communities for the redevelopment, rehabilitation or deconstruction of buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community. Strong applications will show the potential of catalytic economic growth in the community; improve appearances & safety; make use of underutilized property, exhibit appropriate design standards; and be well-funded. Economic growth may include the creation of additional jobs, growth of new or existing businesses, development of new housing units, increase property values, or potential population growth.

Program Details

  • Funding based on annual appropriation
  • Maximum grants: $100,000
  • 40% of funds will be awarded to cities with populations under 1,500
  • A mandatory pre-application process will precede the official grant application
  • Applications are by invitation only after approved pre-application. City must be the applicant
  • Funds available for the rehabilitation of one commercial building per community or two buildings with same ownership that are adjacent to each other
  • Deconstruction is allowed in dire situations or for safety reasons

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

Nuisance/Abandoned Property Remediation Fund
(This is a Loan and Not Grant Program)
The Nuisance Property and Abandoned Building Remediation program provides financial assistance to communities to remediate residential nuisance buildings and structures. The administrative rules for the Nuisance Property and Abandoned Building Remediation program can be found in Iowa Administrative Code, section 216- Chapter 22. Please refer to these rules as necessary for more information regarding program requirements. The program has a maximum loan request of $500,000. IEDA will evaluate requests and approve loan amounts based on application scoring, ability to repay, and the amount of program funds available.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

Opportunities and Threats Fund (CDBG)
A portion of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are reserved for communities facing an imminent threat to the public requiring immediate assistance. These funds also be used by communities seeing an opportunity to demonstrate sustainable community activities. As with all CDBG programs, the program’s goals is to provide opportunities for people, especially those of low- and moderate income.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

CDBG 2019 Disaster Recovery – Buyout
To provide for the acquisition of properties located in a floodplain or floodway, or in Disaster Risk Reduction Areas as designated by the grantee, to reduce the risk from future flooding. This opportunity is only open to applicants in Fremont, Harrison, and Mills counties.

Deadline: Open Until Funds are Spent

Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance Program
Note: Cities are not eligible to apply for funds, but we are listing this opportunity so cities can share the information with property owners affected by the recent flooding in their communities.

Program Overview
The Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance Program will provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners affected by recent natural disasters, helping them to expediate repairs to their homes.
Eligible homes must be located in a county approved for federal Individual assistance following the three presidentially declared natural disasters this spring and summer. These counties currently include Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Emmet, Harrison, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Union and Woodbury.

Additional counties may be added. A list of counties, including those approved for FEMA Individual Assistance, as required for this program, is available at

Application Pre-Check
Applicants are required to complete the eligibility pre-check screening below prior to accessing the full application. It’s important to note that the submission of an application does not ensure approval of financial assistance.  Access the pre-check form here:  DRHAP Precheck Form – Iowa Finance Authority

Application Window

  • Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funds have been exhausted.
  • Applications will be reviewed and approved on a first submitted, first ready to proceed basis.
  • Incomplete application submissions may be offered a reasonable timeframe to cure those deficiencies.

Eligible Assistance

  • Maximum award $50,000 for repair or rehabilitation of the eligible disaster-affected home
  • Assistance provided in the form of a forgivable loan, forgiven monthly over five years and secured by a recorded retention agreement. If the homeowner sells the home or the home ceases to be the homeowner’s primary residence before the end of the five-year retention period, the homeowner will be required to repay the remaining loan balance upon the sale of their home.

Deadline: Open Until Available Funds are Exhausted

Enhance Iowa
Enhance Iowa provides grant funds to assist projects that provide recreational, cultural, entertainment and educational attractions, as well as sports tourism. The funds help communities create transformational projects that enhance the vitality of a region and the state overall. Funds must be primarily used for vertical infrastructure (land acquisition and construction, major renovation and major repair of buildings, all appurtenant structures, utilities, site development and recreational trails.)

  • Project must be available to the general public for use
  • At least 65% of the project funds must be raised

Deadline: Applications Accepted on a Quarterly Basis

Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) City Parks and Open Spaces
Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) is a State of Iowa program that invests in, as its name implies, the enhancement and protection of the state’s natural and cultural resources. Iowa is blessed with a diverse array of natural and cultural resources and REAP is likewise diverse and far reaching.

City Parks and Open Space
This money is available to cities through competitive grants. Parkland expansion and multi-purpose recreation developments are typical projects funded under this REAP program. The DNR administers the city grant program.

Deadline: August Annually

CDBG Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant
This annual competitive program offers grants to assist communities for engaging a qualified professional consultant to prepare an action plan for targeted neighborhood revitalization /redevelopment. Such consultants must be procured in accordance with federal procurement standards. The maximum award for this program is $25,000, with local match of at least 25% of the requested amount is required. Cities/counties that receive these funds and subsequently prepare and submit completed plans to IEDA will be eligible to apply for a Comprehensive Neighborhood Development Activities grant during the next available funding cycle.

Deadline: November Annually

CDBG Downtown Revitalization
The Downtown Revitalization Fund provides grants to communities for activities contributing to comprehensive revitalization in historic city centers or core downtown areas. The program is primarily focused on building façade improvements to privately owned buildings in downtowns. Buildings with first floor residential use are prohibited from program participation. Work on roofs, for up to 40% of that building’s total costs, is also eligible. Front façades of buildings and side facades, when clearly visible from the travel lane of the adjacent public street are eligible. Rear facades are eligible only under unique or rare circumstances. Upper story residential units are subject to Lead Based Paint requirements.

All incorporated cities and all counties in the State, except those designated as HUD entitlement areas, are eligible to apply for and receive funds under this program. The maximum grant award is $650,000. To apply for the maximum award, a minimum of 8 blighted buildings (addresses) must be proposed for improvements in the overall project. A minimum of 6 blighted buildings (addresses) must be proposed for improvement to apply for any lesser amount of funds. Local matching funds from the city/county, building owners or other sources are required to be competitive. Applications for funding are accepted and reviewed competitively with the best applications funded.

Deadline: November Annually

CDBG Housing Upper Story Conversion
This program funds activities limited to existing buildings to either rehabilitate un-occupiable units or convert existing spaces into new units. All spaces must be vacant and un-occupiable at the time of application and for a period of at least five (5) years. Applications for funding are competitive and must be received prior to the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. The maximum award per project is $600,00; $550,000 for project and administrative costs and an optional $50,000 to assist with Green Streets activities. Projects choosing the optional Green Streets funding should plan to complete a design consultation prior to application. To do so, contact Jeff Geerts at (515) 348-6211 or

Deadline: November Annually

Water Trail Planning and Mini Grants
Provides money to water trail developers (county conservation boards, cities, non-profits) to support projects to establish water trails. Water trails enhance recreational experiences for all water recreation enthusiasts. Efforts often involve canoeists and kayakers.

Deadline: December Annually

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The intent of the DOT/DNR program is to enhance roadside beautification of primary system corridors with plant materials. To be eligible for funding, the site must be on a primary highway right-of-way, including primary highway extensions. The maximum award amount for the program is $100,000. Letters of request for funding are accepted year-round, and if the project is select, the project is funded in the order in which it was received.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

Pedestrian Curb Ramp Program
The program assists cities in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on primary roads. To qualify for funding:

  • The city must engineer and administer the project
  • Improvements must involve a municipal extension of a primary road
  • Curb ramps must meet ADA standards

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year Round

Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant (RRLG) Program
The Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant (RRLG) Program is administered by the Office of Rail Transportation at the Iowa Department of Transportation. The program provides financial assistance to improve rail facilities that will create jobs, spur economic activity and improve the rail transportation system in Iowa in three separate categories:

  1. Targeted job creation
  2. Rail Network Improvement
  3. Rail Port Planning and Development

Grants require a 20 percent local match.

Deadline: Applications Accept Year-Round

Urban-State Traffic Engineering Program (U-STEP)
The intent of the program is to solve traffic operation and safety problems on primary roads. To be eligible for the program, improvements must involve an extension of a primary municipal road.

Two types of projects eligible for funding:

  • Spot Improvements: limited to a single location
  • Linear Improvements: span two or more intersections

City match is 45% of the construction cost with a maximum of $200,000 for spot improvements and $400,000 for linear Improvements.

Deadline: Applications Accept Year-Round

Federal-Aid Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), allow many types of eligible projects for the use of federal funds to preserve and improve the condition and performance of any Federal-aid highway, bridge or tunnel project on any public road. (A Federal-aid Highway includes routes classified as a rural major collector or a collector street or any higher classification.) Surface Transportation Block Grant funds may also be used on pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and transit capital projects including intercity bus terminals. However, an RPA or MPO may have a more restrictive list of eligible projects, and they may approve only specific uses on an individual project basis. If interest in the grant contact your regional COG, and to find your COG

Deadline: Varies, Check with your regional COG / MPO

Sign Replacement Program
The purpose of the program is to replace damaged, worn out, obsolete or substandard signs and signposts for cities and counties in Iowa. The grant program is not for ordering new signs that do not exist at the location specified in the application.

  • Application period begins January 1 of each year. 
  • Only one grant application may be submitted per applicant year.
  • Applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis
  • An assessment of need and proper location and installation of posts will be the responsibility of the communities. 
  • The Iowa Department of Transportation Sign Shop, or another source, may supply the signs/posts.

Annual grant maximum:

  • Cities: $5,000

Deadline: January Annually

Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) Program
Projects funded by the RISE program promote economic development in Iowa through the establishment, construction, and improvement of roads and streets. The RISE program is targeted toward value-adding activities that feed new dollars into the economy and provide maximum economic impact to the state on primary or secondary roads, and city streets open for public use. While all counties and incorporated cities in Iowa are eligible to apply, funding is generally limited to industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and professional office developments, with few exceptions.

Deadline: February 1 and October 1 Annually

Living Roadway Trust Fund
Working through many partners in Iowa, the Living Roadway Trust Fund (LRTF) supports integrated roadside vegetation management (IRVM) programs; and educates the public on the benefits, use and care of roadside vegetation, including native plants.

As examples, grants can be awarded for specialized equipment to accomplish IRVM operations; roadside plantings that demonstrate the best management practices of IRVM; inventories of roadside vegetation; and research, education, and public awareness concerning IRVM issues. The LRTF’s funding guidelines are updated for each Fiscal Year’s grant round and detail what grants can be written for and the specific match requirements.

Deadline: June Annually

Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Program
The crossing safety program participates in the cost of safety improvements at public highway-railroad grade crossings. These funds are used to install new crossing signal devices, to upgrade existing signals, and to provide low-cost improvements; such as increased sight distance, widened crossings, increased signal lens size, or crossing closures. However, the available funding allows only a limited number of safety improvements each year.

Deadline: July Annually

Federal and State Recreational Trails
State Trails: The state recreational trails program (SRT) provides funds to establish recreational trails throughout Iowa for the use, enjoyment and participation of the public. The program is restricted to the acquisition, construction or improvement of recreational trails open for public use or trails which will be dedicated public use upon completion.

Federal Trails: The Federal Recreational Trails program (FRT) provides grant funding for trails and trail-related projects. Funds are intended for recreational trails. They may not be used to improve roads for general passenger vehicle use or to provide shoulders or sidewalks along roads.

Deadline: July Annually

Traffic Safety Improvement Program (TSIP)
The intent of the Traffic Safety Improvement Program is to distribute funds for roadway safety improvements, traffic control devices, studies, and outreach. TSIP provides safety funds to cities in three separate categories:

  • Site-specific – construction or improvement of traffic safety and operations at a specific site or corridor with a crash history
  • Traffic control devices – purchase of materials for installation of new traffic control devices, such as signs, signals or pavement markings; or replacement of obsolete signs or signals
  • Studies and Outreach – transportation safety studies and outreach, such as signing or pavement marking research, driver education/information, work zone safety, and crash data analysis improvements.

Deadline: August Annually

Highway Bridge Programs for Cities and Counties
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) added the Bridge Formula Program (BFP), which sets aside funding for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, and construction projects. Additionally, Congress has occasionally apportioned bridge funding through the Highway Infrastructure Program for Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation. The purpose of these programs is to reduce the number of “Poor” bridges (formerly known as Structurally Deficient (SD) and Functionally Obsolete (FO) bridges) on the local jurisdiction roadway systems.

Cities may request to add a bridge to the City Bridge Candidate List at any time, but the deadline for the next Federal Fiscal Year’s funding is October 1. Such requests shall be submitted in writing on city letterhead, or via email with a city official’s signature block, to the Iowa DOT Local Systems Bureau. Any highway bridge within the corporate limits, whether in whole or in part, may be submitted for consideration. This includes bridges on Farm-to-Market extensions within the city limits of cities less than 500 population.

Deadline: October 1 Annually

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA Set-Aside or TAP) Program is a new iteration of the former Transportation Enhancements (later Transportation Alternatives) program that has been in existence since 1991. The most recent transportation authorization act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), was enacted in 2021. Implementation of this act formally allows Iowa DOT to suballocate funds to Iowa’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Planning Affiliations (RPAs) for competitive selection of projects according to federal and state guidance. Eligible project activities continue to include a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, and community improvements such as historic preservation, vegetation management, and some environmental mitigation related to storm water and habitat connectivity.

Deadline: November Annually

Public Facilities

No funding opportunities at this time, please check back.

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Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer and Electrical Infrastructure

Energy Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program (Loan Program Only)
Examples of eligible costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Real and personal property comprising a project
  • Materials and equipment required for necessary site preparation, construction, and installation of a project
  • Labor for site preparation, construction, and installation of a project.
  • Costs associated with maintenance, operation, or repair of a project during the term of the loan.

The minimum loan amount is $50,000 and the maximum is $2.5 million. An applicant may apply for a loan for up to 75% of the total costs of the project.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

SRF Planning and Design Loan
Planning & Design Loans cover costs incurred in the planning and design phase of a water infrastructure project. These loans have 0 percent interest for up to three years and require no initiation or servicing fees. In addition, there is no minimum or maximum loan amount. Eligible costs include engineering fees, archaeological surveys, environmental or geological studies, and costs related to project plan preparation. The loans may be rolled into a State Revolving Fund (SRF) construction loan or can be repaid when permanent financing is committed. The project planning and design costs must be directly related to the proposed wastewater, storm water or drinking water projects.

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

State Revolving Fund Loan and Principal Forgiveness
Low Interest loans and potential principal low forgiveness to disadvantaged communities. Factors that determine if a community is eligible for principal forgiveness include how many project priority points are awarded, socioeconomic assessment score, and household burden indicators. 

Deadline: Applications Accepted Year-Round

CDBG Water & Sewer Fund
Funds awarded through this annual competitive program assist cities and counties with projects such as sanitary sewer system improvements, water system improvements, water and wastewater treatment facility projects, storm sewer projects related to sanitary sewer system improvements and rural water connections.

Deadline: Applications Accepted on a Quarterly Basis

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Public Safety

No funding opportunities at this time, please check back.

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Other Opportunities

Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)
The Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP) works to reduce the amount of solid waste generated and landfilled in Iowa. Through a competitive process, financial assistance is available for a variety of projects, including source reduction, recycling, and education.

Funds can be used for such items as:

  • Waste reduction equipment and installation
  • Recycling, collection, processing, or hauling equipment (including installation)
  • Development, printing and distribution of educational materials
  • Planning and implementation of educational forums, workshops, etc.
  • Purchase and installation of recycled content products
  • Salaries directly related to implementation and operation of the project

Deadline: January and July Annually

Latest Resources

Our resources are continually updated, here's some of the newest resources.

Keeping track of the due dates, reports and filings can be a lot. The League has…

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Senate File 2442 (SF 2442) was passed by the Iowa Legislature in 2024. It made changes…

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Are you curious about public utility rates for water, wastewater and stormwater utilities? Iowa Finance Authority…

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IOWA League