Participate in a Salary Survey

Attention City Administrators and City Clerks

The League is excited to announce a partnership with the University of Iowa’s School of Planning and Public Affairs to conduct a salary survey of city positions. We are frequently asked to provide salary data for various city positions and have not done a full survey in several years. With this effort, we hope to collect salary data from all over the state and then be able to provide our members with current salary information to help them make important decisions. 

In order to participate, please fill out and submit a spreadsheet to the UI MPA program. An instructions sheet with contact information for questions is also available to help explain how to submit your data. Links for each are below:

Salary Survey Spreadsheet

Survey Instructions

The survey will be open through the week of Thanksgiving. The UI MPA program will then analyze results and provide a report this winter. 

We appreciate your city’s participation in this survey and helping provide valuable data.

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IOWA League