Heating and Cooling Heating and cooling of buildings is where much energy is used and wasted. Controlling temperature settings is part of the…
Archives: Resources
Resources Index
Rain Gardens Rain gardens (often referred to by the technical term bioretention cells) are shallow depressions designed to slow, capture and filtrate…
Cities are faced with many questions when dealing with buildings in disrepair. Can it be renovated? Does it have any historical significance? Should…
Resident Responsibilities Citizen cooperation is important to having safe and efficient snow and ice removal. To encourage this cooperation many communities have ordinances…
Given the advantages of using contract services, many employers may be tempted to reclassify an existing employee as an “independent contractor” or…
Many community leaders ask for guidance regarding steps to follow when considering public improvement projects. Types of projects may vary from a…
Many residents often select recreational trails as one of their top infrastructure priorities. What may not be as obvious is that these…
Cities benefit from planned development and property regulation. Typically, this is achieved through a zoning ordinance. However, small cities may not have…
Understanding current assets and areas for growth is essential when establishing economic development plans. Cities are encouraged to continually evaluate the various…
Many cities have the responsibility of maintaining a cemetery as well as handling funds for perpetual care cemeteries. It is important for…