Code of Iowa Section 331.385 and Section 331.424C allow cities and townships to enter into 28E fire township and emergency management services…
Archives: Resources
Resources Index
Cities that have active Tax Increment Financing (TIF) must do a range of filings or reports each year, and below are various places…
Cities may share in the cost of a project through a special assessment process allowed under Code of Iowa Sections 384.37-384.79. The city’s engineer…
The 2023 Chart of Accounts is a revised listing of account numbers that can be used by finance officers when developing their own listing…
The two most important pieces of policy advice in regard to employment termination is to make sure all job performance issues have…
Cities need to take measures to prevent all types of unlawful harassment, including harassment based on an employee’s disability, age, religion, national…
Age Restrictions For teens younger than 18 years, The Fair Labor Standards Act(FLSA) restricts the hours of work and nature of occupations.…
Computers and other electronic devices are a normal part of the city operations and communications with citizens, businesses, other government agencies and…
Cities occasionally need to incur debt to finance a needed project or program for the community. It is recommended to first adopt…
Many cities have seen significant increases to their health insurance costs while also receiving citizen requests for additional recreational opportunities. As a…