NOTE: The League’s website will be down for maintenance on Friday, April 4. We will not be able to receive any form entries and all partial or fully entered forms will be lost (classifieds, registrations, contact us, advertising forms, etc.).

Please call the League office with questions (515) 244-7282.

Federal and State Grant Calendar

Overview of Federal and State grants available and upcoming by month to help you plan out applications and timelines. Note that the opening of each grant application is listed, see links for deadlines and greater detail. 

Federal Programs Open Year-RoundFederalAgency
Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant ProgramFederalUSDA
Emergency Community Water Assistance GrantsFederalUSDA
US Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources ProgramsFederalACE
State Programs Open Year-RoundStateAgency
DOT/DNR Fund: Trail EnhancementState DOT
Pedestrian Curb Ramp ProgramStateDOT
Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant ProgramStateDOT
Urban-State Traffic Engineering Program (U-STEP)StateDOT
Community Catalyst Building Remediation StateIEDA
Community Facilities Block GrantStateIEDA
Destination IowaStateIEDA
Enhance Iowa CAT GrantsStateIEDA
Water and Sewer Fund Block GrantsStateIEDA
Surface Transportation Block Grant: Deadline Varies, check with regional COG/MOPStateDOT
Traffic Engineering Assistance ProgramStateDOT
Opens in JanuaryFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Housing-Related Hazards & Lead-Based Paint Capital FundFederalHUD
Public Safety Programs
Assistance to Fire FightersFederalFEMA
Infrastructure and Transportation
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block GrantFederalDOE
Buses and Bus Facilities ProgramFederalFTA
Low or No Emission Vehicle ProgramFederalFTA
State Programs
Sign Replacement ProgramStateDOT
Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)StateDNR
Opens In FebruaryFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Farmers Market Promotion ProgramFederalUSDA
Local Food Promotion ProgramFederalUSDA
Regional Food System PartnershipFederalUSDA
Public Safety Programs
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency ResponseFederalFEMA
Law Enforcement Mental Health and WellnessFederalDOJ
State Programs
Derelict Building ProgramStateDNR
Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE)StateDOT
Opens in MarchFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Community Connect GrantsFederalUSDA
Public Safety Programs
Community Policing Development Microgrant ProgramFederalDOJ
COPS Hiring ProgramFederalDOJ
Implementing Crisis Intervention TeamsFederalDOJ
Infrastructure and Transportation
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure GrantsFederalFHWA
Safe Streets and Roads 4 AllFederalUSDOT
Opens in AprilFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Choice Neighborhoods Planning GrantsFederalHUD
Urban and Community Forestry ProgramFederalUSDA
Public Impact Projects at Smaller OrganizationsFederalNEH
Housing Preservation GrantsFederalUSDA
Community FacilitiesFederalUSDA
Lead Hazard Reduction Grant ProgramFederalHUD
Public Safety Programs
Rural and Small Development Violent Crime ReductionFederalDOJ
Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest PartnershipFederalDOJ
Infrastructure and Transportation
Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant ProgramFederalDOL
Thriving Communities ProgramFederalUSDOT
Wildlife Crossing ProgramFederalFHWA
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Savings Transportation (PROTECT)FederalFHWA
Opens in MayFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Our TownFederalNEA
Grants for Art ProjectsFederalNEA
Infrastructure and Transportation
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote AreasFederalDOE
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization GrantFederalUSDOT
Transit-Oriented Development Planning GrantFederalFTA
Opens in JuneFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Recompete Pilot ProgramFederalEDA
Public Safety Programs
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance GrantFederalDOJ
Infrastructure and Transportation
Bridge Investment ProgramFederalFHWA
Enabling Middle Mile Broadband InfrastructureFederalNTIA
Rural Surface Transportation GrantFederalUSDOT
Solar for All ProgramFederalEPA
State Programs
Living Roadway Trust FundStateDOT
Opens in JulyFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
African American Civil Rights GrantFederalNPS
Pathways to Removing Obstacles to HousingFederalHUD
Infrastructure and Transportation
Reconnecting Communities and NeighborhoodsFederalUSDOT
Railroad Crossing Elimination ProgramFederalFRA
Energy Futures GrantFederalDOE
State Programs
Highway – Railroad Crossing Safety ProgramStateDOT
Recreational TrailsStateDOT
Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)StateDNR
Opens in AugustFederal or StateAgency
Infrastructure and Transportation
Diesel Emissions Reduction Act GrantsFederalEPA
Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant ProgramFederalUSDOT
State Programs
REAP Grants: City Parks and Open SpacesStateDNR
Traffic Safety Improvement ProgramStateDOT
Opens in SeptemberFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation GrantsFederalHUD
Older Adult Home Modification Grant ProgramFederalHUD
Healthy Homes Production Grant ProgramFederalHUD
Brownfield Grants (Assessment, Cleanup, Multipurpose)FederalEPA
Infrastructure and Transportation
Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements ProgramFederalFRA
Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability ProgramFederalEPA
Reconnect Loan and Grant ProgramFederalUSDA
Electric Vehicle Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator FederalFHWA
Airport Terminal ProgramFederalFAA
Climate Pollution Reduction Implementation GrantsFederalEPA
Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce DevelopmentFederalEPA
State Programs
Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE)StateDOT
Opens in OctoberFederal or StateAgency
Infrastructure and Transportation
Solid Waste Management GrantsFederalUSDA
National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant ProgramFederalFHWA
State Programs
City Bridge ProgramStateDOT
Opens in NovemberFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant ProgramFederalFCC
Recycling Education and Outreach Grant ProgramFederalEPA
Rural Business Development GrantsFederalUSDA
Infrastructure and Transportation
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant ProgramFederalEPA
State Programs
Highway Safety Improvement ProgramStateDOT
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)StateDOT
Comprehensive Neighborhood Planning Fund Block GrantStateIEDA
Downtown Revitalization Fund Block GrantStateIEDA
Housing – Upper Story Conversion Block Grant StateIEDA
Opens in DecemberFederal or StateAgency
Federal Economic / Community Development / Housing Programs
Grants for Art ProjectsFederalNEA
Infrastructure and Transportation
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)FederalUSDOT
Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance GrantsFederalUSDA
State Programs
Water Trail PlanningStateDNR
Iowa Grid Resilience FundStateIEDA

Latest Resources

Our resources are continually updated, here's some of the newest resources.

Keeping track of the due dates, reports and filings can be a lot. The League has…

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Senate File 2442 (SF 2442) was passed by the Iowa Legislature in 2024. It made changes…

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Are you curious about public utility rates for water, wastewater and stormwater utilities? Iowa Finance Authority…

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IOWA League