The Iowa League of Cities has focused on the topic of local option sales and service tax (LOSST), the mechanics of how it works and the importance to the communities.
Archives: Publications
Review our New Laws of Interest where we highlight recently passed legislation that could impact your city.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a tool cities can use to enhance a wide range of development efforts. Find helpful information regarding this topic.
Interested in running for a political office? Learn what the requirements are and resources available.
The League publishes a monthly magazine, Cityscape, which covers issues of interest to city officials in Iowa.
One of the key services a city provides its citizens is law enforcement. While all cities in Iowa are required to provide effective law
enforcement services, the method to deliver the service can vary from city to city.
Learn why and how home rule came to be in Iowa and examine more recent court decisions regarding local control.
City governments large and small have collaborated with a host of public, nonprofit and private partners to deliver services to citizens. Learn the specifics of these kind of partnerships.
City officials need to be aware of requirements relating to open meetings and open records and develop plans to efficiently manage these important topics.
This report reviews the requirements cities have under the Code of Iowa, how fire and emergency services are provided and best practices for working with partners in the efficient delivery of those vital services.