Leading Iowa: Good Government in Iowa’s Cities shines a spotlight on the best practices and success stories from Iowa’s cities. Hosted by Brad Cavanagh, President of the Iowa League of Cities and Mayor of Dubuque, along with Dave Martin, host of the Good Government Show podcast, this series dives into conversations with government leaders across the state. Together, they explore effective governance, projects that benefit Iowans, and how local governments are getting it right. Tune in for new episodes every two weeks.

E12 Q – Relationships and Listening Creates Good Government

Released on March 18, 2025

Let’s be friends, it leads to better government, says Mason City mayor Bill Schickel. Listening and engaging, that’s what Aaron Burnett, Mason City’s city administrator says. Together they bring both tools to city government.

E11 – Mayor of the Year Builds Bridges

Released on March 4, 2025

The Iowa Mayors Association recently named Mayor Quentin Hart of Waterloo Mayor of the Year. He tells Mayor Brad Cavanagh how he has built up Waterloo and why lighting a bridge made a big difference in his city.

E10 Q – Just Listen to the Citizens They Steer the Ship

Released on February 18, 2025

Vision and priorities held to steer the ship towards good government in Red Oak and over in Windsor Heights, all you have to do is listen to the people, so says their City Councilman.

Shawnna Silvius, Mayor of Red Oak and Michael Libbie, City Council, Windsor Heights.

E9 – I Did That, Building Bondurant with Shelby Hagan

Released on February 4, 2025

Shelby Hagen is the City Clerk for Bondurant. She says the fun part of the job is riding through the city and seeing projects she had a hand in building. Listen to the many jobs a City Clerk does.

E8 Q – It’s Not About the Money

Released on January 21, 2025

Two city administrators talk about how they deliver good government. Rest assured, they aren’t in it for the money. Travis explains how they use the money they do have. Sadly, a podcast doesn’t do Mike’s outfit justice but wait till you hear about it.

E7 – Punching Above their Weight Class in Nevada

Released on January 7, 2025

Mayors can’t do anything, says Nevada mayor Brett Barker, unless they work with partners and get the city’s support behind them. He must be doing something right, he won a prestigious award for the progress he made as mayor. He talks about a revitalized Main Street and progress in housing and outdoor space. Listen to a dynamic mayor talk about how to set a tone for the city.

E6 Q – Freedom and Mark Twain with Cami Rasmussen and Mike Van Milligen

Released on December 17, 2024

She’s all heart, just listen to Cami Rasmussen, City Administrator of Solon explain it. She knows her community and she knows how to listen. Then hear Mike Van Milligen, City Manager for Dubuque quote Mark Twain.

E5 – Walking Trail and a Run for Office with Becca Bixler

Released on December 3, 2024

Becca Bixler wanted a walking trail in her small city of Inwood. She walked out running for city council. Now she’s one of Iowa’s youngest mayors. Listen to her tell how she moved into government and how being a social worker helps to her to be a better mayor.

E4 Q – Make a Plan! with Courtney Clarke and Joe George

Released on November 19, 2024

Listen to the Mayor of Waukee and the City Clerk of Malvern explain why good planning leads to good government. That and giving the people what they want while still providing what they need.

E3 – Small City, Bold Moves with Dylan Mulfinger

Released on November 12, 2024

Dylan Mulinger is the city administrator for the small city of Oelwein. He joins hosts Brad Cavanagh and Dave Martin to discuss managing a small city and how sometimes has to manage the dreams of the mayor. A conversation that shows how a mayor and administrator see things differently, but still work towards providing good government.

E2 Q – Challenges and Joy in Iowa’s Cities with Alan Kemp and Ashley Vanorny

Released on October 29, 2024

Alan Kemp, Executive Director of the Iowa League of Cities, says challenges bring out the best in Iowa’s city leaders. Ashley Vanorny, City Council member from Cedar Rapids, says government that is accessible and easy brings joy to the people she serves.

E1 – Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Cedar Rapids with Ashley Vanorny

Released on October 22, 2024

Join hosts Brad Cavanagh and Dave Martin and their guest, Ashley Vanorny, a Cedar Rapids City Council member and the immediate past president of the Iowa League of Cities. Ashley discusses the promise and opportunities she sees across Iowa, her city’s resilience and how neighbors help neighbors, and how city leaders across the state come together for a stronger Iowa.

Leading Iowa: Good Government in Iowa’s Cities Trailer

Released on October 2, 2024

Leading Iowa: Good Government in Iowa’s Cities shines a spotlight on the best practices and success stories from Iowa’s cities. Hosted by Brad Cavanagh, President of the Iowa League of Cities and Mayor of Dubuque, along with Dave Martin, host of the Good Government Show podcast, this series dives into conversations with government leaders across the state. Together, they explore effective governance, impactful projects that benefit Iowans, and how local governments are getting it right. Tune in for new episodes every two weeks.

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