Michelle Chinchilla mchinchilla@v-k.net (319) 466-1000 City of Urbana, Iowa 01/20/2025 02/06/2025
Archives: Classified List
Classified List
Lyle Davenport hr@cityofames.org (515) 239-5199 City of Ames 01/17/2025 02/16/2025
Rachel Spounias rspounias@mgt.us (847) 380-3240 CITY OF INDIANOLA, IOWA 01/17/2025 02/21/2025
Sissy Weber eweber@oskaloosaiowa.org (641) 676-5016 City of Oskaloosa 01/17/2025 02/17/2025
Lyle Davenport hr@cityofames.org (515) 239-5199 City of Ames 01/16/2025 03/15/2025
Lyle Davenport hr@cityofames.org (515) 239-5199 City of Ames 01/16/2025 03/15/2025
Lyle Davenport hr@cityofames.org (515) 239-5199 City of Ames 01/16/2025 03/15/2025
Lyle Davenport hr@cityofames.org (515) 239-5199 City of Ames 01/16/2025 03/31/2025
Carly Watson carly.watson@cityofames.org (515) 239-5105 City of Ames 01/16/2025 02/18/2025
Dylan Michels dmichels@ecia.org (563) 212-4793 East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) 01/16/2025 02/21/2025