
The League relies on a slate of standing and ad-hoc member committees to advise League staff in several areas. The League Executive Board President traditionally makes assignments to open committee seats each November after taking office. The length of the assignment and the frequency of committee meetings depends on the purpose of each committee. When possible, committee members are selected from the pool of those that have expressed interest in serving.

Standing Committees

The Iowa League of Cities is governed by and run with the generous assistance of our members. The League assembles several committees and working groups throughout the year.

Associate Advisory Committee

This committee is intended to formalize input from our associates on League programs.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee reviews the audited financial statements prepared by the League’s auditor, meets with the auditor to discuss the audit, and submits a recommendation regarding the audit to the League Executive Board.

Awards Panel

The Awards Panel reviews applications and recommends candidates for the Hall of Fame award and the Rhonda Wood-Smith award. The committee is comprised of the three League officers plus the following Hall of Fame members.

Budget and Finance Committee

This committee was formed in 2014 to assist the Executive Board and staff in the development of a long-term financial stability plan to ensure the sustainability of the League. The committee was repurposed to add the more general focus on assisting staff with review of finances and the annual League budget.

Education & Services Committee

The Education & Services Committee provides overall review of our educational efforts.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee develops the slate of directors and officers for election at the Annual Business meeting.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee works over the summer to develop priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

Site Selection Committee

This committee is responsible for making a site selection recommendation for the Annual
Conference & Exhibit to be held in 2024.

Thank you!

Thank you to the city officials and others who volunteer their time to make the League the voice for the cities of Iowa.

IOWA League