Join the League’s Partner, VC3, for a brief webinar on IT budgeting and ask your questions on April 1 at 10 a.m. Register now for Unpredictable Expense to Predictable Roadmap – the IT Budgeting Journey webinar.
Information technology is a critical part of a municipality’s annual spending. It’s important for city officials to flesh out a fairly detailed IT budget to help uncover inefficiencies, save money, and better execute operational goals. In this presentation, we will talk about the essential components of an IT budget, tips on presenting IT budgets to your council, and IT budgeting examples. We’ll also discuss tips on budgeting to replace “end of life” hardware, alternative budget-friendly IT support options to overcome challenges with IT staffing, and how AI impacts municipal technology.
Municipal leaders face the daunting task of equipping themselves to lead with authority in this area and make the best choices, often with limited resources. The Iowa League of Cities and VC3 are offering an opportunity to engage on this essential topic.