NOTE: The League’s website will be down for maintenance on Friday, April 4. We will not be able to receive any form entries and all partial or fully entered forms will be lost (classifieds, registrations, contact us, advertising forms, etc.).

Please call the League office with questions (515) 244-7282.

Our Mission

The Iowa League of Cities serves as the unified voice of cities, providing advocacy, training and guidance to strengthen Iowa’s communities.

We recognize the need for strong leadership in our missions and in each of our values. These values represent the shared principles that guide all of our efforts and decisions.

Who we are

The Iowa League of Cities serves as the unified voice of cities, providing advocacy, training and guidance to strengthen Iowa’s communities.

More than 850 of the cities in Iowa, both large and small, are members. The League is governed by members through an Executive Board of officials, balanced by geographic region and city size.

Where we come from

The Iowa League of Cities has been serving as a key resource for municipalities since 1898, when a small group of city officials gathered in Marshalltown to exchange ideas on how to strengthen and improve local government in Iowa.

Those officials had a vision. They recognized that by joining together as one voice, all cities would benefit – then and in the future.

What we do

Through membership services, research, publications, trainings and other collaborations, the League provides guidance and serves as the resource for member cities.

We lead a grass-roots advocacy effort for local government by promoting effective public policy and Home Rule among members as well as state and federal law makers.


The League promotes excellent government, effective public policy and Home Rule among members as well as state and federal law makers.

Home Rule

As an integral part of the League’s overall mission, the League promotes excellent government, effective public policy and Home Rule among members as well as state and federal law makers.

Home Rule
League Legislative Values

Each year our membership approves the League’s Legislative Values which supports and advocates for strong local government through value statements that cities of all sizes can work toward.

League Legislative Values
Index of Iowa Laws

The Index of Iowa Laws links to Code of Iowa chapters and sections that are applicable to municipal government

Index of Iowa Laws

Get to know us more

Meet the Cities We Serve

More than 850 of the cities in Iowa, both large and small, are League members.

Cities in Iowa
Awards Index

The League honors city officials and communities doing outstanding work around the state.

See Our Awards
Tim Shields Endowment Fund

The endowment’s purpose is to provide education and leadership development for local elected and appointed officials.

Tim Shields Endowment Fund
Cityscape Distribution

The League publishes a monthly magazine, Cityscape, which covers issues of interest to city officials in Iowa. It’s available in print and ePub versions.

Cityscape Magazine

The Executive Board is the governing body of the Iowa League of Cities.

Executive Board

The League relies on a slate of standing and ad-hoc member committees to advise League staff in several areas.

Did you know?

The first Annual Conference with the League was held in 1914 in Burlington.

Did you know?

The League shares an office with Iowa Municipalities Workers’ Compensation Association.

IOWA League