NOTE: The League’s website will be down for maintenance on Friday, April 4. We will not be able to receive any form entries and all partial or fully entered forms will be lost (classifieds, registrations, contact us, advertising forms, etc.).

Please call the League office with questions (515) 244-7282.

League Webinar Series

The League Webinar Series features information and guidance on a wide range of issues important to city officials. New this year, the webinars are free to access and watch from the League Web site.

Please visit continue to visit for additional information about the webinars and to view them as they become available throughout the year.

Senate File 634: In Brief
Watch video (8:10) | Talking Points (pdf)
Speaker: Erin Mullenix, Iowa League of Cities and ISU Extension
In 2019, the Iowa Legislature passed SF634 which creates a new budget process for cities related to the Maximum Amount Certified To Levy. 

Senate File 634: Quick Calculator Tool
Watch video (9:28) | Quick Calculator Tool Download (xlsx)
Calculator Instructions (pdf) | Sample Calendar (pdf) | Marshalltown Budget Example (pdf) Per City Calculator results if SF634 were applied to FY19 budgets​ (xlsx)

Speaker: Erin Mullenix, Iowa League of Cities and ISU Extension​In this video, you’ll walk through the League Quick Calculator to help cities estimate what the 2% threshhold number is for your city and identify other inputs that may also impact the Maximum Amount Certified To Levy.

Latest Resources

Our resources are continually updated, here's some of the newest resources.

Keeping track of the due dates, reports and filings can be a lot. The League has…

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Senate File 2442 (SF 2442) was passed by the Iowa Legislature in 2024. It made changes…

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Are you curious about public utility rates for water, wastewater and stormwater utilities? Iowa Finance Authority…

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IOWA League